Community Council

Snowville Community Council  

If interested in serving contact  ​

Melissa Morris - 435-720-2039 or

Every school has a school community council consisting of the principal, elected teachers/staff and parents.  Parent members must exceed the principal and staff by at least two. Parent input is important in the decisions made by councils. Parent participation on school community councils is important. Councils prepare, adopt, and implement education plans at their school.  ​ School improvement is the responsibility of everyone, from students and parents to professionals and public officials. As we clarify roles, expectations, and responsibilities, we increase the likelihood of each contributing significantly to this most important enterprise. School community councils are one way we can work together to make schools more successful. A council is an advisory body. All of its actions and plans are overseen by the local school board or local charter board. School Community Councils are intended to encourage parent involvement and to help school community councils work smoothly and effectively. Why should parents participate? - Improved student success and well-being for ALL students - Engaged parent representation in decision making will allow for greater equity - A diverse pool of parent viewpoints helps bridge cultural gaps.

* Duties of the Community Council include the following:

* Develop a School Improvement Plan

* Develop a School LAND Trust Program

* Assist in the development and implementation of a Staff Development Plan

* Develop a Child Access Routing Plan (elementary level only)

* Advise and make recommendations to school and District administrators and to the School Board when appropriate

* Develop a Reading Achievement Plan (elementary level only)

* Create subcommittees and task forces as needed

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule

“All are invited to attend.”

All meetings held at the Snowville School

1- Sept 17th @ 3:05pm- Fall elections will be held ; Hold first meeting- Orientation, member info, review website

2-Oct 15 @ 3:05pm - Review Trustland and TSA plans, Principal Assurance, Review Website

3- Nov 12 @ 3:05pm Discuss School Safety and Digital Citizenship reports, input on Positive Behavior plan.

4- Feb 11 @ 3:05pm Submit Final report, Review budget, submit amendment if needed, Review data, Create new plan

5 -March 11 @ 3:05pm Final submission for next year’s plan. Look at the data.

2024-2025 Members- Name links for email contact

Amy Wilcock- Parent

Candice Hill-Vice Chair

Alexey Jones- Parent

Lindsey Wilcock- chair

Joylene Ritchie - Teacher/ CC secretary

Melissa Morris - Principal